Washing Machine

Washing Machine

Measure out two cups of distilled white vinegar and pour it directly into your washing machine’s detergent dispenser. Set the washer to run on its longest cycle with the hottest water. Sprinkle half a cup of baking soda directly into the drum of the washing machine and run it on the same settings (highest and hottest).

It’s recommended to have your washer go through a cleaning cycle once a week or bi-weekly, depending on how often you are using the machine. If you aren’t using it as often, it’s recommended to give it wash (both inside and out) once a month.


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    Abu Saleem Sanitary & electrical repairs is a proven company till 1999 on sanitary installation, pipes, refrigeration, washing machine & water heaters repairing which is cost effective, quick alternative to the mess and disruption of replacement of offices, shop, home, bathroom & kitchen fixtures.

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